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LDAP4D Directory at A Dog And His Boy

LDAP4D Directory - Table of contents


About LDAP4D Directory

LDAP4D Directory is a 4D component that allows a 4D database to act as an LDAP server. It is not meant to be a fully standard compliant server but to reurn simple attributes to simple searches. Primarily, it is meant to return search results to email clients requesting mail address lookups.

Different email clients use different types of LDAP searches. The method LDAPD_SearchFilter  is included in the LDAP4D Directory API to see what attributes are being requested with the successful parsing of an incoming search request.
The serving of LDAP listening and responding is done through a plugin that performs TCP/IP functions - Network Tool Kit.

A basic set of commands in each is used by LDAP4D; listen, open, close, send, receive and a few operations to check the state of the connection. All formatting and parsing of the messages sent and received is done by LDAP4D.

Change history

8/1/2010 - beta 1

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